The Progress / Raduga Publishers was a Moscow-based Soviet publishing house founded in 1931. It specialised on output of the books translated into foreign languages. The children's literature was only a part of its production. They also published scientific, arts, political books, books for people studying foreign languages, guidebooks and photographic albums.
Foxy tricks = Лисьи уловки : Russian folk tales / retold by I. Sokolov-Mikitov ;
drawings by Y. Vasnetsov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1968. - 24 с.
The Fox and the Mouse / V. Bianki ; drawings by Y. Vasnetsov.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1972. - 16 с.
La primera caza = [Первая охота : на испанском языке] /
Vitali Bianki ; dibujos de Victor Kirilov.
- Moscu : Editorial Raduga, 1984. - 12 p.
Pierwsze polowanie = [Первая охота : на польском языке] /
Witalij Bianki ; ilustrowal Wiktor Kirillov.
- Moskwa, Raduga, 1981. - 12 p.
Purchase this book
The sun princess and her deliverer : Lithuanian folk tale / retold by Aldona Liobyte;
translated by Irina Zheleznova; drawings by Albina Makunaite.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1980.
Why Tuppy doesn't chase birds / Evgeny Charushin ; translated from Russian
by Fainna Glagoleva ; drawings by Evgeny Charushin.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1976.
Naughty little bear / Agnia Barto; drawings by Vladimir Suteev.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1978.
Teryosha / retold by Aleksey Tolstoy, drawings by Yury Korovin.
- Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1976.
- Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1962 - 14 c.
Purchase this book
Whose is the sun / Yuri Averenkov ; translated from Russian by Irina Zheleznova ;
drawings by Valentin Andrievich. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1973.

The circus / Samuil Marshak ; drawings by Vladimir Lebedev.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1971.
The white deer : Latvian folk tale / drawings by Nikolay Kochergin. -
Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1973.

The frog went travelling / Vsevolod Garshin; translated from the Russian by Olga Shartse;
drawings by Nikita Charushin. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1980.
The cock with the crimson comb : Karelian fairy tale /
drawings by Kirill Ovchinnikov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1981.

Rare animals / I.Akimushkin ; translated from the Russian by Jan Butler;
drawings by Nikita Charushin. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1989.
HannaRivka bookshop
The brave ant / Tatiana Makarova ;translated from the Russian by Fainna Glagoleva ;
HannaRivka bookshop
drawings by Gennady Pavlishin. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1977.
The sun sat down to sew a shirt : Lithuanian folk songs. -
Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1989.
El elefante / Alejandro Kuprin ; drawings by D.Borovsky. -
Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1981.
The Daughter of the Moon and the Son of the Sun : tale of northern people /
drawings by G.Yudin - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1976.

Wash 'Em Clean / Kornei Chukovsky ; drawings by Y. Meshkov.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1979. - 20 с.

Who's the Strongest? / Valery Suslov ; drawings by V. Trubkovich ; translated into English.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1974. - 16 p.

Cock-the-Roach / Kornei Chukovsky;
translated by Tom Botting; drawings by Olga Pushkaryova. -
Moskow : Raduga Publishers, 1989.
translated by Tom Botting; drawings by Olga Pushkaryova. -
Moskow : Raduga Publishers, 1989.
HannaRivka bookshop
Rostik and Kesha / Irina Tokmakova ; translated from Russian by Raissa Bobrova ;
drawings by Lev Tokmakov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1973.

Viva el agua y el jabon! / Kornei Chukovski ; dibujos de E. Meshkov.
- Moscu : Editorial Progreso, 1980. - 20 с.
El Hermanito Menor / Agnia Barto ; drawings by Tatyana Eryomina.
- Moscu : Editorial Progreso, 1978.
Within-and-without-wears-his-coat-wrong-side-out : Byelorussian folk tale /
drawings by V. Milashevsky. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1981. - 16 c.
The tale of brave Yatto and his sister Teune = Сказка о храбром Ятто и его сестре
Тэюнэ : [Nentsy folk tale] / Janna Vitenzon ; drawings by Leonid Aristov.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1976. - 20 p.
Boys / Anton Chekhov ; translated from the Russian by James Riordan ;
drawings by Ruben Vardzigulyants. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1979. - 24 p.
Dancing Rerch = Ерши-Малыши : folk songs and ditties / compiled by N. Kolpakova ;
drawings by Yuri Vasnetsov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1974. - 16 с.
Лиса и заяц : русская народная сказка / рис. Юрия Васнецова.
- Москва : Прогресс, 1977. - 20 с. - Амхарский язык.
The Fisherman end the Goldfish / Alexander Pushkin ;
translated from the Russian by Louis Zelikoff ; drawings by Boris Dekhteryov.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1980. - 16 p.
Life with granny Kandiki : based on tales from the soviet north /
Anna Garf ; translated by Joy Jennings ; drawings by Victor Duvidov.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1978. - 16 p.
New year's in Sokolniki / A. Kononov ; translated from the Russian
by Fainna Solasko ; illustrated by Nikolay Zhukov.
- Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954.
- 12 p. - (Soviet children's library. For tiny tots).
Wash 'Em Clean / Kornei Chukovsky ; drawings by A. Kanevsky.
- Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, [1960].
- 28 с. - (Soviet children's library. For tiny tots).
A tale about a war secret, about the Boy Nipper-Pipper, and his word of honour
/ Arkadi Gaidar ; translated from the Russian by Walter May ;
designed by Igor Kravtsov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1975. - 20 p.
Pequeñuelos / Alexei Laptev. - Moscu : Editorial Progreso, 1980. - 20 с.
Les Trois Ours / Leo Tolstoy ; dessins de V Lébédev.
- Moscou : Editions en Langues Etrangeres, [1955]. - 12 p.
- (Litterature sovietique pour l'enfance et l'adolescence. Pour les tout petits).
Everyone likes to draw / V. Legkobit. - Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1983. - 16 с.
Metsä kodit / Vitali Bianki ; M. Miturits. - Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1984. - 20 c.
Frente Blanca / Anton Chejov ; dibujos Svetozar Ostrov ;
traduccion Natalia Labzovskaya ; version espanola Denia Garcia Ronda.
- Moscu : Editorial Raduga, 1987. - 16 c.
How Vova changed his ways / Agnia Barto ; translated from the Russian
by Irina Zheleznova ; drawings by Veniamin Losin, Yevgeny Monin,
Vladimir Pertsov. - Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1979. - 12 p.
Merghen et ses amis : conte populaire nanai = Мэрген и его друзья : нанайская
сказка / texte français de Michèle Courtois ; illustrations de G. Pavlichine.
- Moscou : Editions du Progrez, 1976. - 16 с.
Karhu ja Marjukka : venäläinen kansansatu / uudelleenkertonut M. Bulatov
; piiirtänyt J. Rachev. - Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1977.
Wczoraj i dziś. Stronic dziesięć i pół o tym skąd wziął się stół / Samuel Marszak ;
ilustracje M. Skobielew. - Moskwa : Małysz, 197?. - 24 с.
Przygody Pifa / przełożyła Barbara Czyżowa ; risował Włodzimierz Sutiejew.
- Moskwa : Progress, 1976. - 28 s.
The little scarlet flower / Sergei Aksakov ; drawings by Marina Topaz ;
translated from the Russian by James Riordan.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1976. - 32 p.
Mashenka / Agniya Barto ; drawings by Villi Trubkovich ;
translated from the Russian by Avril Pyman.
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1976. - 14 p.
The white dove : a fairy-tale from Daghestan / Atkai ; translated by Walter May ;
illustrations by Vera Khlebnikova. - Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1988. - 24 p.
Little Sparrow / Maxim Gorky ; drawings by Yevgeny Charushin ;
translated from the Russian by Robert Daglish.
- Moscow : Progress Rublishers, 1979. - 12 с.
O Pintainho / K. Tchukovski ; desenhos de N. Tcharuchin.
- Moscovo : Malich, 1981. - 12 c.
Stork school / Mikhail Plyatskovsky ; drawings by Victor Chizhikov.
- Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1991. - 20 p.
Aku terbang naik awan : [на малайзийском языке] / M. Pliyatskovski ;
Wiktor Cizykov. - Moskwa : Progress, 1974. - 20 p.
The Progress Publishers stopped the existence after dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Svetlana, hello! and oh my goodness - these are so beautiful! I love all the illustrations (and it's so nice to have the information too!) your blog is sesnational. have a gorgeous week, see you on here soon. he he. hugs, xo Kristina.
ReplyDeleteKristina! I am very glad that you are here!
ReplyDeleteThanks Svetlana, I didn't know this information. I was wondering how these wonderful books came to be so widely available in india!!! what a pity that the publishers cease to exist!
ReplyDeleteDo you know I learnt about lenin through a wonderful book abt USSR at the age of 7?!!! Of course I had no idea about the real significance of learning about Lenin but the book was wonderfully illustrated. I still remember the last page .. it was in water colour and the picture was about a modern Russia- with airplanes in a distance and peasants working in the foreground!!!
This is really cool! I only have one book left with me and its my most prized collection.
Oh yeah! Sita and Gita!!! It was a fun film. :)
Wow! This is just amazing! Bringing back all my childhood memories..
DeleteI agree, my most favourite childhood memories too.And these books not avaiavle now
remember reading the ant , wash em clean and sparrow ..
DeleteAm looking for a fairy tales book we used to have ..lots of different stories usually about a guy named Ivan.. Baba yaga sleeping on the stove ...wanting to marry a masha who would spin and spin and spin...
Hi, Svetlana.
ReplyDeleteI bought the book by Chukovski in spanish long time ago because there was a book sjop what sold the books of the USSR in Spain. I love Viv el agua y el jabón, for me, it's a very good book. But it's a real pity that i haven't bought the book of Marshak. Have you this book in ETSY?
Greetings xosé Manuel
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi, Xose Manuel!
ReplyDeleteI have the book in my shop
It can be in Spanish as well.
Do you know how to contact Raduga Publishers regarding publishing rights to one of their titles in English, Sketches of My Life by Natalya Sats? Thank you. Please email me at
ReplyDeletePatrick Mehr, Publisher
Plunkett Lake Press
hola, gracias por lo has publicado, recorde mi infancia llena de cuentos asi de bonitos gracias a mi madre.
ReplyDeletesaludos y que todo le vaya bien.
You can still get some of these books at
ReplyDeleteMay I give you some information, collected on the Beinecke Library site: Raduga was founded in 1921, and lasted till 1926-27.
ReplyDeletebest regards
Something is odd about these dates. I have a Raduga book from 1984, there are others listed online, and I just read that the publishing house closed down when the Soviet Union was dissolved. So around 1990.
DeleteHi Svetlana,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Didi, I am looking for a book called Bukhara: The Reminiscences by Sadridin Aini, it was published by Raduga Publishers. Do you know where I could buy the book or do you have info how I can contact the publisher? please email me at
I want to buy all these books. Where I can buy these English copies of Soviet books? Please reply on
ReplyDeleteI was searching for Raduga books because I have one on my desk and many in my collection. I read these as a kid which were translated to my language (Sinhala). These books had great tales and very good quality of paper and artwork. I am yet to find such children's books. Too bad Raduga had stopped its existence after the Soviet Union dissolved. Maybe Russia can re-initiate this press.